Moving Traditions B-Mitzvah Family Education

Becoming a teenager isn’t easy. Neither is parenting one.
Jewish education for young children is often a given. But less so in pre-teen and teen years. We are excited to partner with Moving Traditions to provide a family education curriculum that helps adolescents embrace their Jewish identity as they prepare for their B-Mitzvah.
Tackling Tough Topics
In today’s world of social media, increased anxiety, academic pressure, and social struggles, Moving Traditions brings families together to strengthen Jewish identity and Jewish families. All sessions which can be used for 5th through 7th grades include interactive games that fuel meaningful conversations. Sample topics include:
Family Sessions
- B-Mitzvah: Why Am I Doing This?
- Fitting In and Standing Out: How Will I Navigate the Teen Years?
- “You Just Don’t Understand”: How Parents and Teens Talk to Each Other
- “I’m Jewish AND…” Exploring Jewish Identify and Antisemitism Today
Student Sessions
- Simcha: Where’s Your Joy?
- Looking Good, Feeling Good
- Would You Rather?
- Making Friends
- Posting
- GenZen: How to Get Un-worried
Why Family Education with Moving Traditions?
Relevant Values
Jewish wisdom can help guide preteens and their families during this challenging life stage
Stronger Families
Meaningful dialogue between parents and preteens, guided by Jewish values, can build healthy relationships
Community Support
Openly talking about the joys and challenges of adolescence connects preteens and teens to the Jewish community

How Does It Work?
- ShalomLearning synagogues purchase the Moving Traditions B-Mitzvah curriculum at a discounted price
- Moving Traditions trains synagogue educators to provide in-person or online sessions
- Synagogues educators deliver family and student sessions
Ready to Help Preteens and Teens?
By combining social-emotional lessons with Jewish values, you can help families with preteens navigate today’s tough issues together as they prepare for their B-Mitzvah.